Comprehensive Vehicle Safety Inspection in Melbourne

Looking to buy or sell a used car? We offer a comprehensive vehicle safety inspection, which includes a detailed inspection of the car and an honest and impartial report on its safety features, condition, and roadworthiness. The itemised report of our car inspection specialists covers every aspect and every major component of the car.

If you are planning to buy a preowned car, it may be challenging to assess the car for any hidden electrical, mechanical, or engine faults. You will be unaware of its service records, accident history, and roadworthiness. Our extensive used car safety inspection helps you find out all these details. We also provide an industry estimate of the cost of getting the required repairs done in the vehicle so that you can make an informed choice.

Vehicle Safety Inspection in Melbourne

Our comprehensive safety inspection of preowned car covers all the aspects of the car’s condition, its roadworthiness and history. Our preowned car surveyors are industry veterans who come with several years of experience. They have the required training, acumen, and professional approach to cover every aspect of car safety, condition, and its real value. They work honestly and diligently to inspect the car and mark its performance on every parameter to prepare the final report that is shared with the buyer. The inspection process is fully transparent, and our car inspection specialists are not swayed by any car dealer alliances.

If you are selling a car, you should be aware of the repairs that are required to get a roadworthy certificate. A car that comes with a pre-purchase safety inspection certificate gains the confidence of the potential buyer and helps you get a fair price. Trust our car inspection specialist to provide you with an honest and detailed report of the car that covers all safety and mechanical aspects of the car and gives its realistic value. Based on their report and recommendation, you can get the required improvements, enhancements, or repairs done in the car to ensure that you are selling a safe car with a roadworthy certificate to the buyer. This ultimately helps in increasing the value of the car and you get a fair price for the car you are selling. Both you and the buyer will get a realistic picture of the condition of the car and its real value.

The comprehensive vehicle safety inspection report covers but is not limited to:

  • Mechanical faults
  • Electrical faults
  • Engine faults
  • Underbody rust
  • Accident history
  • Service and maintenance records

In addition, our preowned car inspection specialists run diagnostics to find any fault in the engine, traction control, transmission, and airbags. They also check for any repairs are done post an accident in the car that is not easily visible. They perform a thorough road check and find any RWC issues.

Professional Car Safety Inspections in Melbourne

A professional vehicle safety inspection is an important requirement when you are buying or selling a car. It gives a fair and impartial review of all the major components of the car, the required repairs, and the associated costs.

A new car safety inspection done in Melbourne is to reach out to our specialists. Jio Tech Auto is a trusted name in vehicle safety inspection of cars of every make and model. Call us now on 0403 451 216 to speak with our experts and book an appointment. All our services are covered under warranty.

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